Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hohhot is Hot! And you guys Rock!

And by hot, I don't mean sexy. I mean downright dreadful. It is currently (at 7:00 at night) 90* F outside, but as luck would have it is completely cloudly and humidity is at 68%, let alone the nice layer of smog. I want to go out and take some pictures but I think I am going to take some night shots and grab some ice cream.

That said, I am going to dedicate this post to say a huge THANKS! First to all of you who have stopped by and taken a look. I appreciate you allowing me to share my experiences with you. But especially to family friend Anne McTavish, my Aunt Lisa, my Aunt Bev and my Mom. Who have all posted comments! And not just a word or two, but paragraphs. It put a big smile on my face! Thank you all.

In response to your comment, yes Lisa, I do think that sending one's words out into the blogosphere does leave something to be desired on the instant feedback spectrum. And as luck would have it I did post in the comments section of yesterday the blog link. Though if anyone is reading this here, they don't really need the link. Now do they? But I do commend you Lisa on putting that site together, and know that I empathize greatly.

Anne, it was so nice to here from you. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever, and since I didn't make it up skiing this year, it probably has been forever. I hope this post finds you and your family well. I can't remember did Tara just graduate or is it next year. If she did, wish her congratulations for me. Thanks for stoping by and taking a look.

Mom, congratulations yourself on getting accepted to your program. It was great getting to talk with you for the five minutes that I did the other day. To answer your question the exchange rate from the US Dollar to the Chinese Yuan is 1 to 6.86. That means for ever 100 USD I exchange I get roughly 700 Yuan. The other way to think of it is for every 1 Yuan I spend, it only costs me $0.15 or fifteen cents.

Thanks for the two posts and an email, Aunt Bev! I hope that the hurricane comes nowhere close to you. My thoughts will be with you over the next several days even though it sounds like you won't be having any trouble. To answer your question China stays on one time zone (go figure with its size) and it is 15 hours ahead of the West Coast and 12 hours ahead for the East Coast. For you Aunt Bev, look at the clock if it is 10:02 am on Thursday than where I am it is 10:02 pm the next day (Friday). For everyone else on the west coast I recommend first calculating the difference to east coast time (aka add 3 hours) then add the half day ahead.

Finally, a big thanks to my dad! Whom I have woken up at ungodly hours twice in the last week to help me. Just an FYI, I have booked my hotel in Xi'an and my plane ticket there so I am set for the next several days.

I have a couple posts typed up on my blackberry that I attempted unsuccessfully to post to the blog. My blackberry does not have internet service out here in Inner Mongolia, so you should see several posts on what would be the 12th in the US when I arrive in Xi'an (home of the terracotta warriors). Hope all is well!


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